Have you ever wondered what happened to the polar vortex? A one season wonder? Come find out how and why weather happens and how to use the weather to your advantage in a race or for planning a safe outing on the water.
Join us for guest speaker Ron Bianchi, a professional meteorologist and sailor who is always preoccupied with the next wind shift. He aims to educate and entertain with a wealth of weather facts, trivia and predictions.
The CAA is presenting this 2 evening seminar on weather for sailors at the National Yacht Club, April 5-6, 2017.
Topics will include how wind is created and how gradients shape the strength and direction, lake breezes, cloud interpretation and predicting changes in wind direction.
DATE: Wednesday/Thursday April 5 – 6, 2017
TIME: 6:30pm– 9:30pm
(Register by April 1st. Seating will be limited to 30.)
South Chartroom
National Yacht Club
1 Stadium Road Toronto, ON M5V 3H4
(Buzz the intercom from the gate and the attendant will let you in.)
HOST: Canadian Albacore Association
CONTACT PERSON: Frank Loritz ([email protected])
Make sense of the hieroglyphic charts used by meteorologists and navigators:
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