CAA Measurement Certificate
The Canadian Albacore Association (CAA) Measurement Certificate is required to:
- Confirm you own or are buying a “bona fide” certified Albacore.
- Confirm your Albacore measures within the Class Rules.
- Ensure that you may register for sanctioned CAA/International Albacore Association (IAA) racing events. For example, the Albacore International Championship, North American Championship, Canadian Championship, Ontario Championship, or any other provincial Championship where registration requires the CAA Measurement Certificate,
- Determine whether your boat is sailable and/or sellable.
- Protect your investment in your boat. Boats in good condition with the CAA Measurement Certificates typically command a higher price in the market place than those without.
Albacore Class Measurers have the responsibility to ensure that Class Rules are satisfied. They do not interpret the Rules but are obligated only to establish compliance and to document that on measurement forms and certificates, sails, etc., as required in the particular circumstances. This information is then sent to the Chief Measurer for recording and/or further action.
Our CAA measurers, in their obligation to ensure compliance with the Rules, must act as extensions of the Chief Measurer. They are members of a team who must work closely together with the Chief Measurer, have the same understanding of the Rules, and provide the same treatment for all. If a question for clarification arises, then it is generally relayed to the Chief Measurer who works closely with the Chief of Specifications. If a question for interpretation arises, it must be conveyed through the Chief Measurer ultimately to the IRC which has exclusive jurisdiction to make ‘official’ interpretations of the Rules. Please remember that your measurers are here to serve the Class and its sailors, and deserve your patience and understanding.
It should be noted that no measurer may make ‘official’ measurements on a boat or component of a boat in which he/she has a vested interest.
Rules and Measures

Current CAA Measurers
Name | Club | |
Ken Yamazaki (Chief Measurer) | St. James Town Sailing Club | [email protected] |
Jeff Beitz | Outer Harbour Centreboard Club | [email protected] |
Marek Balinski | Outer Harbour Centreboard Club | [email protected] |
Dave Dunphy | Outer Harbour Centreboard Club | [email protected] |
Jefferson Hall | Outer Harbour Centreboard Club | [email protected] |
Ted Mallett | Outer Harbour Centreboard Club | [email protected] |
John Morgan | Outer Harbour Centreboard Club | [email protected] |
George Roth | Outer Harbour Centreboard Club | [email protected] |
Van Sheppard | Nepean Sailing Club | [email protected] |
Dave Weaver | [email protected] | |
Neil Wilson | Toronto Island Sailing Club | [email protected] |
Henry Pedro | Shelburne Harbour Yacht Club | [email protected] |
Mary Free | Westwood Sailing Club | [email protected] |
Jen Forkes | St. James Town Sailing Club | [email protected] |
Mike Pottruff | Mooredale Sailing Club | [email protected] |
Measurement Policy
Our CAA measurers volunteer their time to assist the Class in carrying out the measurement duties. It is essential that their time and efforts be recognized and respected. While limited services may be made available with a measurer on an ad hoc basis, this is entirely by mutual consent with individual measurers. It is not reasonable that measurers be expected to carry out significant measurement duties without advance notice and/or at regattas where they have come to race.
In order to satisfy the needs of both sailors and measurers, a schedule for measurement days has been organized. These dates will be posted on the Class events calendar, published in Shackles, and posted on the Class web site.
Since the measurement duties take significant time and usually involve out-of-pocket expenses such as travel, an ‘honorarium’ must be paid to the measurer for their services. As has been our practice – the honorariums are as follows:
Suit of sails | $20 |
Hull re-weigh | $15 |
Replacement measurement certificate | $10 |
Basic boat measurement | $50 |
Full boat measurement (original or required repeats) must be recorded on the CAA measurement forms which, when completed, must be conveyed to the Chief Measurer who will issue a measurement certificate to the boat owner and enter the data into the Class records.
A measurer is obliged to endorse the sails and measurement certificate in the case of the addition of a suit of sails, and the measurement certificate in the case of a hull re-weigh. This information must then be conveyed to the Chief Measurer for entry into the Class records.