Topics will include how wind is created and how gradients shape the strength and direction, lake breezes, cloud interpretation and predicting changes in wind direction.
DATE: Wednesday April 27, 2016
TIME: 6:30pm– 9:30pm
St James Town Sailing Club, 10 Regatta Road, Outer Harbour Toronto
HOST: Canadian Albacore Association
FEE: $40.00
RSVP Required: [email protected]
*Please indicate your interest by email ASAP.
Guest speaker will be Ron Bianchi, a professional meteorologist who also lectures to yacht clubs in the GTA area, and advises race committees on the race day weather. He was the lead Meteorologist for the TO2015 Pan American Games – sailing venue at RCYC. He is past Director of Meteorology/Atmospheric Group Manager-worldwide operations with Golder Association Ltd., Past Vice President of Meteorology for the Weather Network, and senior manager for Environment Canada at the Ontario Storm Prediction Centre. He has over 24 years of experience in applied meteorology and forecasting. Ron is a walking resource book on Meteorology, who also happens to sail. He usually brings along a catalogue of references and resources which can be printed and this alone is worth the price of admission. The talk is geared to the aspects of weather that are pertinent to sailors and Ron is always flexible and can tailor his advice to the specific sailing locale.